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Financial Literacy

Posted by Keith Lazar on Nov 28, 2017; 6:05pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-tp9924.html

After taking the AEA Financial Literacy Course which includes the Everfi training modules, having a background in the financial services industry, and being an adjunct teacher of personal finance for a community college, I am convinced more than ever that no matter your status in our society, everyone needs Financial Literacy training. I am happy that many school districts and some colleges are making it a requirement for graduation.  I am also convinced that many people would have avoided financial hardships from the financial crisis of 2008 - 2010 if they had been exposed to personal financial literacy education.  In that regard, financial literacy is as important as any other educational core curriculum requirement in our education system needs to embrace and mandate this immediately.