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Financial Literacy for High School and Alternative High Schools

Posted by Daphne Bevel on Dec 05, 2017; 4:42pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-for-High-School-and-Alternative-High-Schools-tp9964.html

Open the classroom floor for a honest discussion about their use of money. Share true experiences with them(not to personal), keep it professional and legal. Emphasize to the students what is included as income may not totally be earned income. So when they complete a budget they will have to include loaned/borrowed, gift, social services and other resources any monies used to sustain their lifestyle. One question for students would be, how does Social Media play a part in their spending habits? Explain wants, and needs, write out a budget and track spending. Follow up with another question , What would they do if certain resources were no longer available to them?  Stress goal setting, short term and long term goals.  Have small break out sessions with the teacher to go over the students ACTIVE BUDGET PLAN/JOURNAL.Use resources from cu's and banks, text books, media and so on.