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Financial Literacy

Posted by Dale Kurth on Dec 06, 2017; 5:16pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-tp9966.html

I teach communication classes in the high school.  One of the projects we do is called, "The Perfect School." The students get to create a dream school and classes.  The most common class students' request is in regards to financial understanding.  Since I have mostly seniors, I hear time and time again that they wish somebody would have told them how to bank, apply for jobs, and other financially important things.

I know that I spend more time discussing applications and job hunting skills than I do financial skills.  I usually ask if they are getting financial literacy training in other classes, and the response if tepid at best.  My goal is to see if I can integrate some basic financial ideas within the trimester.