Financial Literacy
Posted by Jennifer Jackson on Dec 11, 2017; 4:08pm
I have struggled financially my whole life, with making some bad decisions that I have took me down a very bad path. I always wondered if during my school career I had been taught how to use a budget and stuck with it, would be life had been better? So, now I feel more of a passion about teaching my students to do better then I did. I teach Social Studies, and recently they have added Financial Literacy into our standards. So, I'm looking for simple ways to teach 6th and 7th grade how to budget. Every once in a while it does come up in our conversation, but I would like it to be more purposeful. Last year we did plan a trip to anywhere they wanted to go, this included making a brochure for their destination. For extra credit, they also had to complete a budget. The few students that did this were amazed at how quick the money was gone.