what should be the norms of the digital world

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what should be the norms of the digital world

It would be very easy to rail against first amendment rights.  I will say, do not allow the "I did not say that" excuse to get around consequences.  Incitement to me requires attention in your own home or the digital world.  Today we live in a "Norm" breaking mania as long as it is good for ME.  It is surprising that we have so many people who did the easy part of the equation and conceived children only to consider them a burden and leaving them home alone while they play sand vollyball at the neighborhood waterhole.  Running a home is to time consuming for many, even the very public faux billionaires.

We might be much better off if we led with love and example instead of sermons.  Our learners are very smart and know very early what to do by observation of us adults and what we do, both for good and for display.

Blarney is Blarney