Abby Bock

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Abby Bock

Abby Bock
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I will continue to gain a deeper understanding of personal learning and differentiation by continuing my research on the topic.

I will create a classroom environment that allows for students to begin the process of personalized learning, by using math data to help students set personal goals.  

Strengths and Weaknesses:
While I am excited to try a new approach in my classroom, I am still struggling to see a clear vision of how such a process will work for me. Continuing my research will help me feel more comfortable, but in the meantime, my plan is to start small, and implement ideas slowly. It will be nice to use math data to drive instruction in a different way.

I would like to implement my plan in my advanced math class. They seem to be the most mature, eager to learn, and capable of setting personal goals with intentions of follow-through. I would like to use Map Data to help students create a Symbaloo webmix. Using Map scores, students would examine what their weakest areas are and create a Symbaloo page that could enhance their learning in these deficient areas. After going through this process, students will have their own web textbook that they can refer to for individualize instruction on their weakest areas of math.
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Re: Abby Bock
I think your approach of starting small with a focused group of students is a great way to go. Pick one thing and see how it goes. Reflect on what worked well and what you might change the next time.

Also, would it be possible to have students reflect on how this process worked for them? I'd love to hear their thoughts.