Assignment #6 VTS in classroom

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Assignment #6 VTS in classroom

Heather Hayes
I was amazed at the way the students in the videos were able to use VTS by looking at pictures, paintings, and plants even. This got me thinking that I would love to have my students be able to use VTS before we start reading a book. I could have them look at the cove of the book and they could use their visual thinking strategies to make predictions about the characters and their lives. This is something they already do (we discuss what we think the book will be about in whole group), but having them take the time to talk with a partner first would give more students a chance to share before we shared as a group. I could also have them write individually about the picture. On the website

Aija Simmons talks about using VTS to help students practice writing argument. I feel this would be a great way to introduce argument because we do not all interpret pictures the same way, and writing an argument as to why we think the way we do would be great practice with VTS.
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Re: Assignment #6 VTS in classroom

Samantha Smith
I really like your idea of having students take the time to really look at a cover of a book and allow them to speak with a partner. I think writing can beforehand can allow them to write down what they think before having that conversation. It allows them to complete their thoughts and see if they have similar ones to their peers before beginning to read a story.
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Re: Assignment #6 VTS in classroom

Thomas Briscoe
In reply to this post by Heather Hayes
This is a great article. I am always looking for new ways to help my students with writing. In some ways I think I have always used a think-pair-share approach when direct teaching, but this really gives me ideas about how I could apply VTS to other parts of the assignments.