Assignment 9

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Assignment 9

Gary Goins
I am amazed at how art can be incorporated into many different areas, and is. Art is all around us, from business, to billboard, to snow plowing perspectives. Being aware of the art around us makes us more rounded people and can be a focal point for conversations. I remember building a new house that we live in and being amazed at the different elements of art involved in the process. Even in the military as a Drill Sergeant elements of art are everywhere. I realize that I do not include art in my lessons as much as I could and that it is easier than I thought to do.

A few types of technologies I've used in my classroom are where I use portfolios for students to upload videos responses, pictures, or create items for their portfolios.

After watching the videos and reading the articles I plan to start right away at home with my children and broaden their art exposure in their daily lives at home and on trips in the car.