Career/ Technology response

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Career/ Technology response

Megan Boock
Exploring art can enhance and develop career skills in many ways. Exploring art gives the opportunity for creative ideas to come out. Being creative is a strong asset in a professional setting. Also, as people explore art, they realize how much it overlaps into almost everything in life. When you start considering music, design, layout, fashion, etc. there are so many different avenues that you can take when it comes to a career. I think that within my career of teaching second grade for six years, I used art with my bulletin boards, creating newsletters, helping the kids make gifts for their parents, and many other ways. My husband sells insurance, and he uses art when he is making his Powerpoints, setting up his presentations, and even when he writes a thank you note to a client. Art is all around us.

A few types of technologies I've used in my homeschool that share a link with art are: ABC phonics apps that use music to teach letters and sounds, fashion design apps for children, and musical instrument apps (keyboard, xylophone, etc.) A new app that I've found and will now download is: 
I'm looking forward to my daughters creating their own artwork and gallery.

As I read the article and watched the video, my mind started thinking about how technology and art are linked, along with so many other areas. I will be teaching the eye of art to my girls, so that become aware of how art is all around us and so that they will appreciate it I plan to actually use the art lesson from the video with my first grade daughter that I'm homeschooling. She will love it and learn a lot, as I have.