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Conceptual Framework-Waves

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Conceptual Framework-Waves

Melodean Montaque
20 posts
This post was updated on Dec 11, 2024; 1:58am.
What were some new learnings, something that you may have already known, or some questions you still have? The idea that all waves have some features in common, that is a pattern of specific wavelength, frequency and amplitude was not something I had imagined. I thought they were all different. Also, that waves can travel over long distances unchanged even after passing through other waves except when it moves over a different medium, where it changes speed, direction or is reflected or refracted has helped to understand some misconception I had. One such is that sound wave cannot travel efficiently in water when in fact sound wave travel better in water than air.

What preconceptions do you anticipate your students will have about topics found in this standard? I think that students will feel that waves move matter from one place to place. They will also think that sound waves for example, stops at a point depending on how far it has to travel rather than the medium through which it travels. They will also may not be able to explain what cause an echo as they cannot imagine that sound waves can be reflected too.

What are some ways you plan on addressing these preconceptions? I would need to use models that would build up their proven scientific knowledge as well as guide them in planning and carrying out investigations to explain phenomenon.