Courtney Clausen--Social Media--Facebook [Melissa Wicklund]

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Courtney Clausen--Social Media--Facebook [Melissa Wicklund]

Courtney Clausen
Social Media—Facebook
Dr. Clausen
Melissa Wicklund

Today, while reading through the Facebook parts of this Module, I decided to create a Facebook account that I plan to use only for professional matters. I plan on posting things for my students, joining groups that can strengthen my teaching and learning, and see what other professors and teachers are doing with their students in the classroom and online.

Some of the resources and groups that I looked at first from my professional profile was the national organization that I work with as an advisor for Utah State’s Chapter of the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Other Related Sciences (MANRRS) found at--

While I have been co-advising Utah State’s Chapter of MANNRS for almost two years, I chose not to follow that group with my personal Facebook profile because I really wanted to create a boundary between the “personal” and the “professional,” something that teachers and professors struggle with because teaching and learning is our life. Now that I have a Facebook profile that I can focus on work, I believe that belonging to the National MANNRS Facebook page will help me stay on-track with both the Regional and National Conferences for 2024-2025.

In addition to joining this student group, I also choose to start following NPR ( and Aljazeera-- NPR focuses on the United States and Aljazeera focuses on international news, as well as issues happening in the U.S. from an international perspective. When I was a classroom teaching in 9-12, I used these resources in my classroom with students, now, I want to reference these news sources for my own benefit and use the news and ideas in my classroom as a learning tool.

The final resource that I found and I am definitely going to use in the communications classroom is a website that discusses—Informational Mapping in Technical Writing ( which is posted on Medium (

In conclusion, I thought Facebook was always going to be a social network that I focused on my private life. However, creating the new profile for my professional teaching and learning will be an extremely powerful tool. I’m excited to see how I might use Facebook with my students in the technical communication classes I teach. I suppose the sky is the limit!!!