DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Mike Ernst
I had a issue with my youngest child this past fall.  He had a old iphone that he could only use on wifi. He was in a text thread with some of his friends and I happened to check it and saw inappropriate gifs and memes that were being shared.  I had a discussion with him and he lost the use of it for a couple of weeks.  I also contacted the other parents.  All but one thanked me for letting them know, the other just said kids will be kids.  I thought I was doing a good job of checking on him but realized that I had gotten lazy.  
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Re: DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

It's commendable that you addressed the issue with your child and took action, including contacting the other parents. Parenting in the digital age comes with its unique challenges, and it's a constant learning process. Your commitment to keeping an eye on your child's online activities and maintaining open communication is essential. Remember, it's okay to reassess tunnel rush and adapt as needed.
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Re: DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

In reply to this post by Mike Ernst
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Re: DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

In reply to this post by Mike Ernst
It sounds like you handled a papa's games challenging situation with care and responsibility. It's commendable that you checked in on your child's online interactions and took action when you noticed inappropriate content. Having open discussions about these issues is essential for fostering trust and understanding.
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Re: DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

In reply to this post by Mike Ernst
It’s natural to feel that sometimes we let our guard down, but recognizing the importance of staying involved and being proactive is key. This experience could be a valuable reminder to maintain ongoing open communication with both your child and other parents to ensure a safe and healthy online environment for all. https://storytellersgame.com