DIGITAL LITERACY-Misinformation Infographic Lesson

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DIGITAL LITERACY-Misinformation Infographic Lesson

(DIGITAL LITERACY posted 8-29)

News literacy is the ability to determine the credibility of news and other information and to recognize the standards of fact-based journalism to know what to trust, share and act on.
The News Literacy Project / is a nonpartisan education nonprofit building a national movement to create a more news-literate America. NLP is the nation's leading provider of news literacy education.

Go to  This page’s content changes on a regular basis, keeping the material fresh for users. Get the Misinformation one-page infographic pdf  . Individually review this paper, identifying what you feel are two or three key points.
Share your thoughts in small groups, with each group identifying ONE key point among group members. Share with entire class.
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Re: DIGITAL LITERACY-Misinformation Infographic Lesson

orabelle hana
Thank you for your lesson, I will take it moto x3m