Energy standard

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Energy standard

Allison Van Aartsen
Energy lesson plan – K-PS3-1 Make observations to determine the effects of sunlight on Earth's surface.

1.what the student will do
The students will tell the teacher what they already know about the sun. Students will come up with questions about the effects of the sun on the playground. They will record their findings in a journal. Prompted by the teacher, the students will discuss what they observed and how it fits with what they already knew about the sun.
2.what the teacher will do
The teacher will record what the students already know about the sun. The teacher will guide the students to come up with questions about the effects of the sun on the playground. The teacher will guide their investigation on the playground and the class discussion afterwards.
3. the 3 learning dimensions (Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts)
Science and Engineering Practices—students will record their findings in a journal.
Disciplinary Core Ideas – after the investigation the students should be able to see how powerful the sun can be in warming everything around us.
Crosscutting Concepts -- Students are conducting investigations to understand that the sun affects Earth's surface to determine the difference in temperatures they feel in the sun, shade, and room temperature. Throughout the lesson students are asked to support their claims with explanations (evidence) by drawing and labeling pictures to support their claims.

We will make a chart to identify what the students already know about the sun. We will come up with questions to explore when we are making observations on the playground. We will discuss our findings and how they fit in with the things they already knew about the sun.

I will ensure that each student has a chance to share what they knew, what they observed, and what they learned. My role in this discussion is to keep the discussion going. I will not make any judgement on what the students say, but I will try to offer information only when it seems like the students aren’t able to hit on the idea on their own.