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Teacher 3

The standard that I chose is a kindergarten standard, the standard is K-PS3 Energy. The standard states that students should make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth's surface.

Science and Engineering Practices

-Students are to make observations first hand to collect data that can be used to make comparisons. In my classroom we chart the weather daily. This allows the students to make observations about the weather and how it effects them throughout the day. The days that it is sunny out my kids know that they will be hot outside. On cloudy days they know that it will tend to be cooler.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

-The disciplinary core idea that is used in this standard is PS3.B conversation of energy and energy transfer. This states that sunlight warms Earth's surface.

Crosscutting Concepts

-The crosscutting concepts state that events have causes that generate observable patterns.