Esther Mwelwa

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Esther Mwelwa

Esther Mwelwa
1. Art works in a magical way for kids. I will refer a bit to one experience ten years ago.When I was teaching in South Africa, my school had many students from low income background(immigrants, refugees and others). The art class was the best class ever. Students were expressing themselves easily and teachers were able to identify abused students or were molested students and the students were rescued before it was too late. All this was because children were producing their art work freely: violence pictures, naked kids, dirty, hungry or sad...Art means expression and creativity, imagination.

2. Having half of the  students in class and others at home, I am using google meet for those who are at home to connect to the class and I use the google classroom for the the class work. I use most of the time the google slides, to make the lesson more interactive I include Peardeck, I ask my student to record themselves speaking French using Children need to practice their speaking.

3. What I take away from the videos is that all students are different and unique  and they learn differently. Teachers have to accommodate every one. Big example is when you ask students to listen to a music and ask them to draw what the music represent for them in drawing. The drawings will never look the same.