Facebook in the Classroom

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Facebook in the Classroom

Matt Hilby
I know several teachers who utilize Facebook within their classroom and have success with it, but I have yet to figure out a successful way to use it without making it a chore on myself. Also, our district uses an online course program called Canvas that would do essentially the same things (and more) that I would do on Facebook.

That said, my Marketing class does discuss how businesses use social media sites, with Facebook being the featured site, in order to effectively market their company. We take a look at a how different types of businesses will use Facebook pages and networking differently; some will use it to actively promote new things that are happening while others will use it just as a reliable place for customers to get information on the company and their goods and services.

Personally, I mainly follow pages of local businesses within the Cedar Rapids area, which helps keep me networked if I ever want to bring in guest speakers and entrepreneurs.