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Kristen Hurley
    I have typically used Facebook to stay in contact with friends and family but have also added news groups and school groups to my collections.  It is great to see news updates on my Facebook feed (similar to tweets) and the school Facebook group does shout outs to staff and students.  This has been a great way for our school district to connect with parents and let them know what is going on in the school district.
    I had never thought of Facebook as an educational tool - only ever used it for personal reasons.  I decided to Google groups that might be worth joining and found a few groups that I may follow.  Teachers Sharing Resources and Ideas for the Classroom is one example.  What a great way to get new ideas and easily connect with other teachers. Facebook in Education Group is another group that I am looking into.  It offers suggestions on how educators can use Facebook.  I receive email updates from Edutopia and learned that this is another group that I can join for resources.
    I love that when you like a particular group they offer additional groups that you might be interested in based on your selection.