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Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Alicia Mendenhall
I am not currently teaching in a classroom, but have taught lower elementary for several years. I am at home with a toddler now, and I think that even at this young age my husband and I can start to talk to him about some basic financial literacy topics. We can teach him about the differences between needs and wants, and how to save money for a later date. I have some books that we can start to read that give a basic introduction to some of these topics. It's never too early for kids to learn how to be a financially responsible citizen.
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Re: Financial Literacy

I agree with you.  Thanks for being committed to teaching your kids financial literacy skills.  Kids need to see their parents model sound financial decision-making!  Good for you.
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Re: Financial Literacy

In reply to this post by Alicia Mendenhall
Yes, I agree kids need this as much as they can get it. Thanks.