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Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Margaret Lilley
I teach middle and high school Family and Consumer Science classes. Financial literacy can be taught and reviewed in all of my classes at all grade levels.
Foods classes- financial concepts are involved in meal planning, budgeting for food, planning and shopping for meals.
Interior Design Classes- budgeting, credit, interest, insurance are all involved in purchasing a home
Parenting- budgeting for children and all of their costs influences anyone with children

Financial concepts are something everyone deals with all through their lives. I teach life skills to my students and financial literacy has to be one of them.
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Re: Financial Literacy

Paula Vander Beek
I like this concept: teaching financial literacy on budgeting for meals. We live in a culture of "eating out." I think a lesson plan where students pick their favorite restaurant, favorite meal ... calculate the cost to feed four individuals. Then, do the very same meal at home, making it yourself.  Rather eye-opening! Not to mention left-overs!!
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Re: Financial Literacy

In reply to this post by Margaret Lilley
Great skills. kadashika