Flow of Matter and Energy

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Flow of Matter and Energy

I think the assessment measured my ability as a teacher pretty well, I scored an 8 out of 10.  When looking back at the results I noticed the same things that the other posts stated, vocabulary plays an important role in these assessments.  I know that my students would struggle with a majority of the terminology used and I found myself as an adult reading the questions and answers out loud to make sure that I was understanding them correctly.  

I also agree that having the visuals along with the questions was super beneficial as it allowed me and would allow my students as well to problem solve to get answer that was closely related to the correct answer.  
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Re: Flow of Matter and Energy

I can appreciate how careful you are with rereading questions out loud and being careful with your answers. Is this a strategy you were taught? I am interested in how you use this or learned from this strategy. I often find myself with assessments like this treating them like trivia. Reading the question quicking and searching for the correct answer as quick as possible.
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Re: Flow of Matter and Energy

In reply to this post by fisherrich
I am not sure of the assessments have changed.  I took an assessment that had 20 questions.  Different tests?  I also watch the Science Channel and many different types of non-fiction shows.  I learn everyday from one of those shows.
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Re: Flow of Matter and Energy

In reply to this post by fisherrich
Very good article, very informative.  kadashika
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Re: Flow of Matter and Energy

In reply to this post by fisherrich
I agree - I think understanding vocabulary is very important. In this assessment, I felt more confident with the vocabulary than I did in the previous assessment, which showed in my score.