Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems Assess Your Knowledge

What did you learn from taking this assessment?  Did it accurately measure what you should know (and be able to do) pertaining to the flow of matter and energy through a system?  What else might help you or your students understand these concepts?  Defend your answer.  

Expand your thinking by reading at least 3 other participant's postings.
Topics (7)
Replies Last Post Views
Flow of Matter and Energy by fisherrich
by mikerooney
Flow of Matter and Energy by Teacher 3
by ttaylor@cam.k12.ia.u...
Cycles of Matter by Molly Fox
by ttaylor@cam.k12.ia.u...
Theresa Taylor -- Cycles of matter and energy --assess knowledge by ttaylor@cam.k12.ia.u...
by ttaylor@cam.k12.ia.u...
Cycles of Matter by taryn.kromminga@gmai...
by taryn.kromminga@gmai...
Thoughts on Flow of Matter and Energy Assessments by Teacher 3
by Teacher 3
Flow of Matter and Energy by Teacher 3
by Teacher 3