Forum 5 - Flynn

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Forum 5 - Flynn

Aimee Flynn
Exploring art can build several career skills in my opinion.  Critical thinking skills and a confidence in one's thoughts and opinions are two skills that I believe can blossom with exposure to the arts.  An exposure to the arts also gives a person some common ground with others when trying to form new working relationships.

 One way I use technology to incorporate art into our every day by playing classical music or movie soundtracks, and then ask the students to explain how those particular pieces of music makes them feel.  We talk about how different music can make us think or feel different ways.  I usually use this before we start to produce a new piece of writing.

The main takeaways I have after reading the articles and watching the videos are how important it is to allow students to express themselves and that incorporating art into their daily learning allows students the opportunity to learn new ideas and concepts in deeper ways.
Expressing themselves artistically may help them to overcome some hurdles with learning, while allowing them to freedom to think about ideas/concepts in different ways that may make more sense to them.