Forum Post #4

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Forum Post #4

Mindy Webster
My biggest take away from VTS to take into the classroom is the fact that my students will be able to acknowledge and describe how they personally see artist’s stylistic intent, which is something that I have urged my 6-8th grade students to own in their art works. I believe that if students can see what artist’s have created through their stylistic intent, my students can acknowledge and grow their own style instead of trying to re-create what others have done. They will begin to become more empowered through their art making and starting to develop their own style!

VTS allows learning to be more student-centered. The teacher becomes a facilitator as opposed to the expert. With the emphasis in recent years for the “I do, we do, you do” model of instruction, VTS mixes up that fixed conception of instruction and emphasizes student involvement and the building on the ideas of others. VTS reinforces my school’s focus on accountable talk and adds a more exciting alternative to turn and talks or think, pair, shares.

VTS requires students to view the contributions of all of their peers as valid. It helps to eliminate the labeling of one another such as the “smart” kid or the “shy” kid” It also evenly divides accountability and the workload. Furthermore, the “outgoing” student is not dominating discussions and the “smart” kid is not doing all the work. VTS also allows all students to feel valued and a part of the classroom dynamic.

VTS supports ELA by requiring a deep analysis, the use of academic language and vocabulary, multiple “reads” of a work, fine tuning of ideas, revision of previous conceptions and statements, engaging in speaking and listening, and collaboration with peers.
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Re: Forum Post #4

Aimee Flynn
I also love the idea of students fostering their own style of creativity by developing confidence in their own abilities and thinking skills.  VTS allows students to appreciate the views and ideas of others while also giving them the opportunity to become more independent in their creativity.
I also enjoy opportunities when the teacher can become the facilitator instead of the expert.  It is great to watch kids bounce ideas and thoughts off each other and watch the "light bulbs" spark during discussions.
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Re: Forum Post #4

Ann McCall
In reply to this post by Mindy Webster
I agree with your post, especially what you said about VTS helping your classroom be more student centered. I also agree that students are motivated to respond using VTS strategies because there are no wrong answers.