Forum Post #5. Assignment number 9 By Shelley Stallons

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Forum Post #5. Assignment number 9 By Shelley Stallons

Shelley Stallons
Discussion for careers and fine arts: Students involved in the arts give students different perspectives, hence opening career paths that they might not have chosen prior to being involved in the arts in school. They usually do better in school while involved in the arts because it gives them something fresh to do other than academic work all day. What types of technology have I used that link with art: I have used Garage band many times with my students and there is another program Jam Studio that is very user-friendly for students to use as well. As far as art projects, I use Pinterest frequently for ideas. My takeaways from the articles and videos: Arts provide ways to meet the needs of diverse learners, they help equip students with better self-esteem, at-risk students benefit from being in the arts for those reasons as well, and use of the arts can show teachers what strengths and weaknesses are in learning styles of students. Arts provide a platform for more individualized instruction in the classroom.