Forum Post 5: Discussion for Assignment #9 Allison Haack

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Forum Post 5: Discussion for Assignment #9 Allison Haack

What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?

I think exploring art in the classroom provides students opportunities to use real life applicable skills that they can use in their adults lives.  Many times music and art lead to opportunities to use speech and drama.  Speech and Drama can be applied to many traditional curricular subjects as well (such as history or social studies).  Learning to to present in front of others and how to speak to groups or individuals is an essential skill for adults in almost every career or industry.  Using speech/drama in the classroom prepares students for those times in their life where they may have to speak to others or speak in front of a group.  Learning how to communicate with others is essential.  Sometimes, speaking in front of others can cause anxiety for children and adults, so practicing these skills with children when they are developing is a wonderful way to help students learn how to cope with this situations of anxiety, and hopefully, teach them tools and strategies to combat these issues. Being able to express one's ideas and thoughts is a skill all people need in their careers.

What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art? Include at least one link to a technology that could be used in the classroom.

In my general music classroom, I have used computer programs/apps for students to be creative and compose their own music!  Exploring with traditional instruments is wonderful, but using modern technology to create sounds and explore musical relationships is fun, educational, and easy to do.  One site I have used is "Chrome Music Lab."   On this website, there are 14 varying activities that students can use to create their own music as well as explore music and its relationship to visual art!  It is so easy to use.  Students can combine pitches and rhythms in the "Song Maker," they can create visual art by using music to inspire lines and shapes (Spectogram and Kandinsky), and more!  The website states "Many teachers have been using Chrome Music Lab as a tool in their classrooms to explore music and its connections to science, math, art, and more."   This gives students a stress free and accessible way to explore their creativity in music and visual art.  It can be used on chromebooks, laptops, and iPads/tablets.

What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?

The articles and videos we watched and read in this section really instilled how important it is to provide many options and "non-traditional" experiences for students to learn.  So many students are neuro-diverse and learn in so many different ways.  We, as teachers, must give many varying options for students to learn and explore.  Using hands on activities and technologies can truly "unlock" learning for many students. Students with unique learning abilities can truly flourish when given the opportunity to learn through the arts.