Forum Post 5: Discussion for Assignment #9 -- Ellen Stoltz-McGinity

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Forum Post 5: Discussion for Assignment #9 -- Ellen Stoltz-McGinity

Ellen Stoltz-McGinity
What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?
For one thing, it can open up a whole new area of possible careers for students, giving them access to dreams of a much bigger world. The arts, with their connections to so many other topics, academic subjects, and real-life events can really serve to broaden student's perspectives overall. There are many "hard" skills that can be learned as well. For example, being in a music ensemble can really help students develop skills in lots of areas, including listening, cooperation, timing, intentional practice, evaluating one's own work and that of others, finding ways to make improvements, emotional connections, and much, much more.

What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art? Include at least one link to a technology that could be used in the classroom.

For our at-home learning right now, I would pair this with a great YouTube video that has kids use homemade instruments to play along with a piece of music online.

What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?
Whenever and however we can get students to develop their strengths and broaden their horizons, we should take advantage of these learning paths. For many students, adding the arts to another subject matter, or just plain focusing on learning through the arts (and about the arts, or other subjects), this more creative approach can hold more appeal and help many students feel more engaged and motivated.
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Re: Forum Post 5: Discussion for Assignment #9 -- Ellen Stoltz-McGinity

Merydith Marshall
We are pushing online content to our students right now too due to COVID so I really enjoyed your link you shared. I am always looking for something extra to give the kids to do, rather than just all math. I liked the idea of a "water xylophone". I could incorporate math by having students mix different amounts of water and coloring.