Forum Post 5

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Forum Post 5

Ann McCall
What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?

Art exploration helps to enhance and develop career skills by increasing higher order language skills and supporting language learning. The arts support conventional literacy skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The arts increase critical thinking skills and problem solving skills. They increase people’s confidence and help people gain a positive attitude about themselves and their academic achievements. Arts exploration increases self-esteem and helps students communicate and express themselves.
What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art? Include at least one link to a technology that could be used in the classroom.

In my past experience as an education aid with special education students, my students and I would go on nature walks and the students would bring their ipads. The students would use the camera on their ipad to take nature pictures. Then they would come into the classroom and choose their favorite photo and write a paragraph about it or draw a picture to go with it.

Here is a link about using photography applications in the classroom. 

What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?

My takeaways from the article and videos is how important art education is for students of all abilities and ages. Art education bridges and enhances academic learning. It helps students become better readers and critical thinkers. It provides fun and meaningful ways for students to learn new skills. Arts education enhances phonological awareness and other components of reading. It increases numeracy and writing skills, as well as fine motor skills. Arts education helps students gain a positive attitude about themselves and their future, therefore, increasing academic achievement.

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Re: Forum Post 5

Shelby Blum
As I was reading your response, I noticed some similarities in our thinking! According to the article, it talked greatly about students self-confidence and how art integration can help students achieve this. Student's with developmental disabilities and learning disabilities can not only use art as an outlet but it will help them build cognitive skills to help them communicate.