Forum post #5: Jill Fredrickson

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Forum post #5: Jill Fredrickson

What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?
Many artists have to promote themselves online and in shows so one of the career skills is being able to market yourself. This skill moves over into advertising, job interviews and overall communication skills with other people. Another aspect of art is the ability to take criticism, learning how to improve a skill, revising and not giving up. It can build up a student’s grit which is enduring setbacks and learning to try again with improvements.

What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art? Include at least one link to a technology that could be used in the classroom.
Photography is a technology that can be used in the art classroom and elsewhere. In yearbook and school paper assignments photography is a must. Using photo techniques (that could be learned in an art classroom) such as rule of thirds can help school reporters take better photos for enhancing written stories or recording events.

What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?
Art is a great gateway into harder subjects. For students with learning challenges art can help them get that spark of interest that will motivate them to complete a project and express themselves.