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GMail in the classroom

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GMail in the classroom

Our school uses chrome books so it great to have all students assigned a gmail account.  Even though our students have an account many students have little experience using their account for anything other than logging onto their chromebook.  I teach 5th-8th and it always amazes me how many students have not used their email account for communication.Usually when I help them they are shocked at how many emails they have.  I use gmail in order to have a reliable method for communicating with students and parents.  In some situations I have students submit assignments electronically.  This year I look forward to teaching them to use labels to keep their Gmail neat and tidy.
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Re: GMail in the classroom

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Re: GMail in the classroom

In reply to this post by Suzy
It's great that you're planning to teach your students how to use Gmail more effectively! Introducing them to labels will definitely help them stay organized, especially as they begin to use their Gmail accounts for communication and wolfenstein 3d assignments.