Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Erin Stohlmeyer
I've had several "friends" post images or links to my Facebook page that I was not comfortable with. In some cases I asked the "friend" to "untag me" or I've blocked certain people or apps from my account. When I have Facebook "friends" that are family, friends, and co-workers  I don't want posts that could reflect poorly on me to be seen. Sometimes I think social media gets too social.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Luann Langel
This is very true.  I would suggest have a personal social media account and a professional social media account.  This way it is easy to separate the two and not be quite as concerned.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Laurie Petersen
In reply to this post by Erin Stohlmeyer
People forget the "don't post something that you wouldn't want your mother to see" kind of thing, don't they?  They don't stop to think--do I really want this out there?  Would my friend really want this out there?  Sometimes we think that we know our friends and their preferences, when we really don't--it is always important to ask!
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Judy Jacobsen
In reply to this post by Erin Stohlmeyer
This has happened to me, also.  But, it was from my daughter!  She took a picture of me playing "beer pong" at her husband's birthday party and labeled it by saying she was teaching her mother and mother-in-law how to play.  This was correct -- EXCEPT for the fact that she failed to mention that the cups were EMPTY and we were playing the game withouth the drinking aspect so neither the mother-in-law or I drink.

My niece, who is a teacher, was somewhat shocked that she had posted that about me because I was a teacher and was worried that my students/parents would see it.  I was also worried about this and had a little chat with my daughter(-: