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Jessi Murphy - PLP

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Jessi Murphy - PLP

9 posts
Learning Outcome:

As we continue to learn more about personalized learning, it’s clear that I underestimated all that it entailed.  My goal has been revised to:
        I will dig deeper into what personalized learning truly looks like in my classroom.
        I will create more opportunities for my students to charge of their learning.

        I’m not shy about trying new approaches, concepts, or tools. Regardless of how daunting personalized learning, and all that it entails, seems at the moment, I know that is something that I want to tackle, something I want my students to benefit from experiencing.  

        My biggest weaknesses are that I over think what I’m trying to do and that, as with many adults, I have many outside commitments, that really limit my time to try new things. All this really means is that it will take me longer than I’d prefer to prepare this experience for my students.

        SYMBALOO - This is something I can see being highly beneficial for my students when they are working on their Mulit Genre project (4th quarter) where they are expected to choose a topic of choice, learn about it, and then create a portfolio displaying their knowledge. Symbaloo will be a great tool for them to use to help organize their learning prior to creating their projects and share like-topic resources within his/her small group. It could also function as an e-portfolio, which is extremely exciting to me and I can’t wait to try it out with my students.
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Re: Jessi Murphy - PLP

Mary Trent
5 posts
I love the idea of using Symbaloo for a portfolio.  I use it every day as a bookmarking site, but now I am seeing all kinds of possibilities for an online portfolio!  Thanks for the idea!