Personalization puts the student in the driver’s seat with the teacher acting passenger. The student will choose the destination and direction, the teacher would help navigate around roadblocks and detours. The students would ideally thrive this setting as they would find themselves with more freedom to therefore take charge of his or her learning.
Differentiation, while beneficial in it’s own right, proves itself different from personalization. Here you will the teacher selecting the content, and while there will most likely be students learning if different ways and at different speeds, they will all have the same end goal.
Looking into a room, one would not instantly recognize which was being offered, personalization or differentiation. But then again, it may depend on whose room you enter. I think some teachers create both of these settings quite naturally, and perhaps unknowingly; it’s common sense to them, it’s what’s best for kids. But, sometimes, it’s easier said than done.