Personalization vs. Differentiation

Before Starting: Read lessons on PL Definition and Models, as well as review the table below.

If you ask a teacher who "differentiates instruction" in her class, she will most often state that her class is an explosion of personalization. Or maybe something a little less poetic, but nonetheless heavy on the personalization part.

If you ask Barbara Bray and Kathleen McCluskey of Personalize Learning™, they would say she isn't personalizing.

So, which is right? Is it simply a matter of semantics, or are there distinct differences between personalization and differentiation? And, moreover, could you tell just by walking in the room?

We are going to debate this topic. Unlike other debates, online class ones feature just one post per group member.

No replies are required. Be sure to read your fellow group member's contributions.

Topics (11)
Replies Last Post Views
Personalization vs. Differentiation by AndrewShea
by gsea33
Tracy Petersen personalization vs differentiation by Tracy Petersen
by clamb
Sharon Seaton - Personalization vs Differentiation by Sharon Seaton
by smithadam8756
Rob thoughts by Rob Brookhart
by Rob Brookhart
Mindy Cairney by Mcairney
by Mcairney
Personalization vs. Differentiation by dcleveland@aeapdonli...
by dcleveland@aeapdonli...
Personalization vs. Differentiation by Deanna Clark
by Deanna Clark
Jessi Murphy by jmmurphy
by jmmurphy
Personalization vs. Differentiation by Scotti Hagensick
by Scotti Hagensick
Personalization vs. Differentiation by Abby Bock
by Abby Bock
Nancy Healy - Personalization vs. Differentiation by Nancy Healy
by Nancy Healy