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Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

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Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

Joanna Bartlett
2 posts
Seesaw is a great app for teachers to use to communicate with parents regarding what their child is doing in the classroom. Teachers can use their ipads to snap quick photos of what their student worked on in class that day or take a picture of the class party and post for parents to see. Parents can comment back to the post. It helps parents feel like they can see what's happening in the classroom.
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Re: Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

Kim Kazmierczak
4 posts
i was so excited to see this site shared.  There were so many different site that it was overwhelming.  I love that you found one that can be helpful for parents.  Our district has limited personal sharing with parents on social media so this site is well organized and allows for neutral sharing what is happening in a classroom.  Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

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In reply to this post by Joanna Bartlett
As a parent of a younger child I really enjoy seesaw. I can look on it and see what they have done or shared.
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Re: Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw ( Kelly Kerres)

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In reply to this post by Joanna Bartlett
I am wondering if See Saw would be a way for older kids to present their projects and share it with their parents and teachers.  I have not used it.  I know that our Elementary teachers have used it before. I would want to know if this is possible and is there a time limit.  Right now with our situation, it would be nice if kids had an opportunity to present work to others.
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Re: Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

David Gerlach
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In reply to this post by Joanna Bartlett
I can see the use of this in a classroom with lots of activities that you would want to share specific activities with the parents.
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Re: Joanna Bartlett - shared resource Seesaw

Valerie VanHolland
5 posts
In reply to this post by Joanna Bartlett
I know a lot of teachers who have been using SeeSaw for distance learning during the pandemic, and I think it's such a great tool! Easy to use, both for parents and teachers. Something that also seems really useful to me is that there can be really quick feedback on work, whether that is work sent from a parent to a teacher (for a distance learner), or from the teacher to a parent to show either a triumph or something to keep working on. Communication between parents and teachers is SO important, especially now, and this seems to be a useful tool for that.