Lessons Integrating the Arts

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Lessons Integrating the Arts

Megan Boock
Art can be a separate subject- learning about lines, colors, textures, studying artists, etc. But, art has a role in every subject. There is a way to integrate art into every subject. This not only spikes interest, but also helps the students to understand and remember the concepts better.  Here are some lessons that I plan to use at some point with my children (I homeschool) that integrate the arts into other subject areas.

Geometry-constructing a bridge lesson plan

Pizza Fractions

Social Studies Biography Project

Planets Lesson with art project and song
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

I couldn't agree more, Megan, art does indeed have a role in every subject. Art is all around us, in everything we see and do. Though I have been slow to learn this on my own, this class is helping me understand that.

I appreciate your biography lesson. The child's face becoming part of the artfully created biographical poster has informed my teaching for our 5th grade wax museum projects. Thank you!
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

In reply to this post by Megan Boock
I found the bridge construction lesson link you shared to be helpful. Fourth graders at my school study types of bridges, and forces on bridges (shear, tension, torsion, etc). The bridges created in this lesson using popsicle sticks are a helpful hands on visual for students to see the different forces at work in the various bridge designs (arch, beam, suspension, etc). It makes a solid connection for why certain bridges are used in specific situations. I'm thinking we could take it one step further in terms of infusing art into this lesson, by having a bridge decorating contest, visiting online award winning bridges, for design as well as esthetics. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Jessie Philpott
In reply to this post by Megan Boock
I have seen the bridge lesson plan used in a classroom and it was great. The students had a blast. They worked together and built a functioning bridge that they could crawl across. The students not only learned shapes and how to build a bridge they learned how to collaborate and work together. It is a good lesson.
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Haley VanBlaricome
In reply to this post by Megan Boock
The pizza fraction project was something I think all students would really enjoy. This gives students the opportunity to be creative and create a pizza, which most kids love. Even though this lesson was set up for fourth grade I feel that it could be something I do in my 2nd grade classroom. I would like to divide students up into groups then have groups create a pizza based on halves, fourths, sixths, and eighths. It would be a simple introduction to fractions and students would be able to relate especially with using art.
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Molly Holtan
I love all these suggestions!  One of the teachers at a school I taught at did a lesson on tessellation, similar to M.C. Escher.  At the time I wondered why she did this, but this is art integration at a high level!
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Paul Southwell
In reply to this post by Megan Boock
I agree with your declaration that art can be integrated into every subject, and would push it even further to say that art can equally at the forefront of any subject as the content being taught through the art.  Your children are lucky to have a parent who goes to such lengths to enrich their schooling!
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Allison Van Aartsen
In reply to this post by Megan Boock
Thank you for sharing the links, especially the one about the bridges. The kids in our school's talented and gifted (TAG) program build their own bridges out of toothpicks and glue. They are tested with various weights to see how much they can hold before they break. It is a great way to get kids thinking about structure and design. This link looks very similar to what the kids in my school do in the TAG program.
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Re: Lessons Integrating the Arts

Denise Bonati
In reply to this post by Megan Boock
I especially appreciate your find on social studies. This is a clever way to incorporate historical representation and an engaging and personal touch to a student presentation. The pride in their work and display would be ideal. When it comes to incorporating music and song into a lesson I'm also all ears. This is great integration of arts. Thanks fort the ideas!