Matter- Geisler (Clausen)

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Matter- Geisler (Clausen)
2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.

Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to problems in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to simple investigations, based on fair tests, which provide data to support explanations or design solutions.
Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence to answer a question.

Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending on temperature. Matter can be described and classified by its observable properties.

Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns in the natural and human designed world can be observed.