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Mindy Cairney

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Mindy Cairney

My updated goal will be to craft a new method that allows teachers voice and choice in their learning while still achieving the course objectives in observance of state standards for teacher re-licensure.

I plan to read this article: https://softchalkcloud.com/lesson/files/ezhWkDqCMysuL3/InstituteAtCESANo1.pdf  to help me create a way to have teachers have a voice in their professional development time.

I plan to use this (http://www.28ollie.com/beginning-competency-based-progress) graphic to guide my plan and cross-reference as I begin to reflect and create.

At the end of this course I would like to have the start to a PD model that would allow for more personalized learning for teachers during their work with me.  I am, at this time, imagining to look much more like a coaching cycle and much less like a sit-and-get.
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Re: Mindy Cairney

Mary Trent
Two thumbs up! I think you have a clear vision for your plan.