Norms & Responsibilities

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Norms & Responsibilities

Brad Benton
The saying " It must be true I read it on the internet" seems to apply here. What is true, what is not true, what is accurate, what is inaccurate, what is right, what is not right, what highlights your character, what reveals your character: all of this is digital citizenship. I think that students are exposed at such an early age and being "connected" is just second nature to most that they never give any thought to the rights and wrongs of being part of the digital world.

I think students today have a very difficult time understanding that any of their actions always have consequences that are out of their control and that includes anything they post and respond to whether in Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. Once posted for the world to see it truly becomes part of who that person is and how the world see that person.
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Re: Norms & Responsibilities

Luann Langel
This is exactly why we need to start talking about this topic at an early age.  If a student can have a device in their hands, they need to know how to be good digital citizens.  By the time these same kids are in MS & HS they already "think" they know it all and DON'T.
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Re: Norms & Responsibilities

Joellyn Berg
In reply to this post by Brad Benton
I totally agree that we need to be teaching these things at an early age.  Students are coming in with knowledge of how to run these devices, but do they really have the knowledge to keep themselves and others safe.
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Re: Norms & Responsibilities

Tiffany Hoogestraat
In reply to this post by Brad Benton
I think this is a very good point.  Kids do not realize that once something has been posted, it is permanently there even if it has been deleted.  What kids post does reflect on them as people.  Sometimes I think kids take posting thoughts and pictures too lightly.  It is just something simple they do many times throughout their days but it is actually quite important.