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I think the biggest challenges would be learning about the vast number of resources and then finding resources that would be appropriate for Preschool age students. I feel I have taken the first step in overcoming the challenges by taking this on-line course. It has given me an introduction and overview of the resources available through AEA Online. Using this as a "jumping off" point I can go back to the resources which are most appropriate for the age group I teach and explore those resources more thoroughly. The Learning Zone offered through Britannica School caught my eye. I plan to explore this resource and look at ways I can use it as a catalyst for student use of technology to learn more about topic which interest them and to extend the learning in interest areas. I would also like explore the use the images and visual content to increase vocabulary, especially for the English Language Learners in my classroom.
5 posts
One of the biggest challenges that I will face in using the AEA resources is that, as a substitute teacher, I will be bound by the teacher's lesson plans and not my own planning. However, depending on what classroom I am in and what they are working on, I can make sure to let the students know of the resources available to them.
I also am making it a personal goal to introduce the AEA website to my children. My son, a freshman in high school, had absolutely no idea the website even existed! I can think back of different projects that he has done over the years where he could have really utilized this resource, and will make sure he and his two younger sisters review the website!
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The biggest challenge for a sub is that the resources are not accessible. I don't know how practical it might be for the AEAs to offer resource accessibility to anyone with a valid Iowa teaching certificate, but if they did it would be a gold mine for those subbing while looking for a teaching job. If it were me, I'd be mining every single one of the resources that offer lesson plans and teacher aids in preparation for eventually using them in the classroom. That would take away some of the "not enough time" angst once in the arena. Perhaps if you've become an entrusted sub--someone a school district would love to hire--your principal would provide you with the code/passwords to use the resources in anticipation of that. And having your own options for lesson plans might come in handy if a solid lesson plan isn't at the ready when you're called in to sub. If my memory serves me, that does happen. Reality bites!
These resources are just incredible--for students and for teachers. I remember constantly trying to come up with lesson plans that made learning more fun and less a chore. Just doing the research on these sites is fun! Their navigation is fairly similar, so if you were using them consistently, you'd get the hang of it in no time.
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I, like several others who have posted, am a substitute teacher and tutor. One of the challenges that I would face is that the ESL instructor does not ask a sub to use the AEA Online Resources. I don't know if she doesn't use them or feels it would be too difficult and time consuming for a substitute. Most of her classes are twenty to forty minutes long and have students on several different language levels. This would be challenging for the if she has it set up. I would not have the school password and code, which she would have to provide. That would be another challenge. I would need to use some of the tutorials and learn how to navigate through the different resources that the classroom teacher would want. The AEA Online Resources would be most helpful in my tutoring the non-English speaking students. The challenge is that I don't have access to a computer or the school password and code in the school where I volunteer. I feel that these students would be helped greatly through the Teaching Books.net where they could read the words and have the author read along with them. They would also enjoy some basic videos that would help to increase their vocabularies.
6 posts
I am a sub re-activating after ten years away. So I have limited and outdated experience in education, and I am limited in my ability to review hands-on or implement these resources. My observations are about the broader challenges that may impede use of the resource.
How much has school administration encouraged and / or expected teachers to use the AEA resources and go digital, and how much have teachers embraced it? This appears to me to be a drastic but value-adding change. Like any other change, if this was not deliberately and carefully introduced via the tenets of effective change management, there has probably been resistance. If teachers were forced into doing too much too soon that they don’t fully understand and appreciate, it’s doubtful they fell in love with it.
This material grabbed even though I’m a 60 year-old tradition-bound trainer, but I was overwhelmed with so much new information. Were teachers equally overwhelmed when they were introduced to AEA’s online resources and these new approaches to teaching and learning? Was there enough effort devoted to actually showing users the potential benefits of the resource and of going digital? Was there a support network of SME’s, coaches, mentors to help ease teachers into the change?
How to overcome the barriers? Build a support network. Help teachers to ease into using the resources and learning how to effectively use them. Teachers are constrained by time and there is a good deal here, so chunk it down into manageable bites. And continue to work together to grow the capabilities of the users. This should be fun for teachers too!
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The biggest challenge is that I am a substitute teacher in this district with limited access to the internet. Planning ahead is not too much of an option. If however, I get a long term position or get the same assignment for a few days in a row then I can get online and into the resources.
5 posts
The biggest challenge to implementing AEA online resources is the access to technology. We are not one to one so computer availability is my biggest challenge. Next school year the students will all have chromo books so the use of AEA online use might pick up. I do have many materials available to me though our online text. If I need supplemental activities I might use AEA online resources.
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Since I will be a substitute teacher, I most likely will not have a school code, which will make it difficult to access the teacher-specific content. Also, the lesson plans, I will be following will often be left for me by someone else. I am hopeful that by taking this course I will be proficient at using AEA Online resources whenever they are included in the lesson plans that I am to follow. If I ever get the chance to add to the lesson plans and use these resources, I think that my biggest barrier would be to wade through the sheer volume of information that is available and determine which of them best suited my students' needs. As with anything else, experience is the best teacher. The more I am able to use these resources, the more comfortable and knowlegeable I will be about them.
7 posts
Since I work for the whole district and with all grade levels, I think the biggest challenge I will have with utilizing Iowa AEA Online is having time to find resources and keeping them all organized when I find resources I like and want to continue to use in the future. To combat this challenge, I will make it a priority to work with familiarizing myself with the resources and organizing them for at least 120 minutes of each work day we have. I will make a Iowa AEA Online binder of ideas and options that I can use, as well as, share with staff members.
9 posts
The biggest challenge for using AEA Online Resources would be deciding which resource to use. Possibly, one of the best ways to find which ones to use would be to ask older students who have already been in the class. They may have favorite resources for specific subjects that they could refer to younger students. Older students may have a resource that was not particularly helpful to them. Students could give reasons why they liked or did not like specific resources.
Talking with other teachers who have used AEA Online Resources in the past would be helpful. As a substitute, I have found that teachers are very willing to give sujestions as to what works the best and what does not.
Usually, teachers have good lesson plans with everything listed that is needed. If it were to happen that there were not lesson plans, using AEA Online Resources would be an excellent way to quickly have a project to work on for any class.
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Like so many of the posts, the offerings of the Iowa AEA resources is so large that it is hard to even know where to start. One thing I have found through my years of teaching is that if I am going to use a resource with my students I better know the resource inside and out before sharing it with my students, as if there is a question or a "snag" they will find it. So besides narrowing down which resources to use, I think being sure that I really understand each resource and have taken the time to explore through it so that I can purposely help my students to use the resources effectively.
The way I am going to conquer this is that I am going to use and explore 1 to 2 resources at a time. After I have worked through them and understand them, I am going to see how they might enhance my students classwork and then be ready to introduce it and use it in their studies.
4 posts
With all of the amazing resources available I find time being my biggest challenge. Obviously, some are better than others or more relevant and to sort through can be a challenge. For example, if I think of teaching about nutrition and say the difference from Pyramid to My Plate. there are a variety of themes I could use. I could focus on a couple of the key features, specific changes, amounts and types. I know there are an abundance of resources, so I will need to pick and choose what will best fit the needs of my students. Looking through all of those possibilities will take a considerable period of time.
To solve this problem I will identify specific questions I want to focus on and begin my search there. Other ways I can solve the issue of time are to only allow a set amount of time and keep a list of what I find to be the most useful for my topic. I also think making a tally sheet where I keep track of what types of resources I'm using in each unit will be helpful. That way I can make sure I'm not relying too heavily on one type of learning style or resource vs. another. I also need to remember I can add and enhance my units as I go. It all doesn't have to be done right away. The resources are always there and as I become more confident I am hoping I will become more competent. Additional resources can always be added. The set up of the AEA resources lend themselves to being swapped out with other resources depending on the year and the nature of the class.
I'm utterly amazed at all the resources I will have at my finger tips just through the local AEA
7 posts
My biggest challenge to using the AEA Online Resource and any other Online Resource is being overwhelmed! I'm always afraid I'm going to push the wrong button. I feel as though I'm at some what at a disadvantage since I am only a substitute and don't have my own classroom to use all these great resources.
I hope by taking this course I will feel more comfortable with using technology. I am very excited to see what resources the AEA has so I will be able to incorporate them in lessons while I am subbing.
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As has been mentioned in many of the posts time is a factor, but having these resources at your fingertips is also an advantage. Also the multiple choices are overwhelming but again what a wonderful problem!! I will be spending time doing some type of prep. anyway why not use material that is beneficial for my students. And much of it accessible in one place. I also am tech. challenged so appreciated the walk through videos
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Well, the obvious challenge to using Iowa AEA Online Resources is taking the time to actually go online to find the new resources. And, as a substitute teacher, feeling confident within a classroom that is not mine, to use the teacher's plans for using online resources. I did use AEA Online Resources a lot as a music teacher, so I hope I can continue to remember "the process". I feel I am fairly knowledgeable in using technology, and, of course, the students are a great source of technology use.
6 posts
The biggest challenge with using the Iowa AEA Online Resources is becoming familiar with all the resources it offers! There are so many fantastic ways to utilize technology in the classroom but it is finding the time to educate and familiarize yourself with them.
I feel this online course helped me become familiar with several resources. I also plan to utilize the Teacher Librarian at our school to help me use some of the websites with students.
Another goal I have to help use these resources, is to share what I have learned in our Thursday Professional Development Meetings. One resource I plan to use in our PD is teachingbooks.net. Our staff is working on unpacking the standards and this website aligns perfectly with supporting the standards and text complexity for the Informational and Literature Standards.
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I worked 2 yrs. as a Library Para- Educator at the Mount Pleasant Community High School. There I was introduced to a large amount of AEA's information and material, such as digital Library, AP images, Teen Health & Wellness, Britannica online. I found it all quite fascinating. I did a lot of researching for myself to get acquainted with new knowledge.
5 posts
The biggest challenge for me in implementing these resources is overcoming the tendency and ease with which teachers and students Google for information. Many teachers and students are unfamiliar with what/where these resources are and what are their usernames & passwords. When I work with them, I point out that these resources are vetted and approved for teacher and student use. They are up to date and reliable. I show them, for example, who writes/reviews the articles in Teen Health & Wellness. The qualifications and expertise of these writers show they are experts. I help them find author resources in TeachingBooks.net. I show them how SIRS presents topics in opposing viewpoints. I brainstorm with them how they could use IAO in different content/units. I encourage teachers and districts to PROMINENTLY post a link to IAO on their district page or on their own teacher page. Make it just as easy to use IAO as it is to Google. I help teachers and students practice searching by subject and keywords. Some students only know to type in a phrase when searching - just as they do in Google. They have not been encouraged to define their topic in one or two words, and a lot have no idea what a Boolean or other advanced search strategy is. I help them learn to use the filters in most of the resources to narrow their search from the initial keyword search. I am concerned with teaching them to become discerning AND efficient users of information.
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The biggest challenges to implementing the resources in my classroom would be time, selecting appropriate sources and the ability to navigate through the resources to find the best fit for my class.
To overcome these challenges, I will take the following steps. First, I will set aside some time each week for specifically researching and perusing through the possible resources. Second, I will talk with other educators about the resources they are using for their classes. Finally, I will spend some time looking through the resources to learn how to navigate through the resources. Hopefully, by taking more time learning how to navigate through the resources, I will be able to quickly find the resources appropriate for my class.
7 posts
The biggests challenges to implementing rescources in the GED classroom is the time to explore. I have seen many options I would like to investigate. I jotted down notes on each sub-section so I will be able to, hopefully, go back to. Maybe I will be able to "play" with some of the multimedia resources over winter break. I would like to explore areas of math that would enable students choices other than packets, pencil and paper. We a good deal of work together, step by step, I feel use of math teaching videos, just to mention one attribute of AEA resources, would be beneficial to enrich students studies and progress.
There are a number of steps that would be taken to lessen obstacles. I like to become more familiar with Atomic Learning, Learn 360 and SIRS. I would like to expand my students learning environment with better use of visual and audio enhancement to their lessons. Students are in and out of the classroom on their own schedules and the duration of their stay in class depends on what they want or are able to give. Group instruction with any consistency is difficult to obtain. I will start with locating materials that would be useful to student needs and trouble areas and begin offering these to them.
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