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POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

K Hargrave
My biggest challenge will be figuring out which resources will be best to use with my students and finding the time to incorporate them. We have such a structured schedule that it’s hard to find that extra time. However, I think the solution to the later is that I will incorporate the AEA resources into my lesson plans. An easy way to incorporate the resources will be to use them when doing a research project.  I also will use some of the video resources available to teachers. There is such much to use on the AEA online resources that it will take me sometime to really go through them and figure out which will be the best resources for my students, but I like a said a starting point would be to use the resources for a research project. My first year of really using them will probably be a learning experience for me and the more I delve into the resources myself the more comfortable I will become with using them with my students. I do think they can only hence my teaching and my students learning.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Eric Rodgers
In reply to this post by eabbey
My biggest challenge would be that some of the resources that I used the most are no longer available.  We used a lot of photographs in the past and the resource is no longer available on the site.  I've used some of the other resources for Articles, but when I took the job I found that the previous teachers were not at all tech savvy and preferred to have hard copies.  This means I have a very generous library of books when I added my own personal collection that I can use for my presentations and introductions.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Laura Wagner
In reply to this post by eabbey
In my current role as a halftime kindergarten teacher my biggest challenge implementing the AEA resources in my classroom is time constraints. I struggle to make our required district curriculum “fit” into the day so adding these resources into our afternoon seemed overwhelming at first. What I need to remember is that I can use theses resources to supplement our curriculum, like using Bookflix in a blended learning rotation. Another challenge for me would be training kindergarteners to use the technology that I would like to incorporate. Although, a lot of kindergarteners come to school with technology skills, it will benefit them through their whole school careers if I can make the time to introduce them to a few of these resources.  
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Ashley Houser
In reply to this post by eabbey
There are two major challenges. The first is deciding on what resource to use first. The second biggest challenge, and the one I will focus on, are planning and instructional time concerns.  I know that it takes extra time for me to get on AEA online to become confident of site/resource use and plan lessons to then incorporate into our day. It then also takes time to teach students how to access, use and become confident users themselves.

Steps/ideas to find time to utilize resources.

1. I will start with Britannica Encyclopedia. I used this a little last year. I will have the students utilize this resource to complete activities during centers. These activities/lessons are already planned. This will help save time! Once my students are confident and capable of using this site, I will let them explore another suggested resource. I would be interested in having them look at TrueFlix, as it seems user friendly and would also pair well for use in my L.A. classes. During this time, I would also be assisting/supporting students as needed and would also benefit from the exploration. This dual exploration would help us become confident users together.

2. A second step would be to talk with other teachers who are already utilizing AEA. I will ask around to see what thoughts are and to get ideas for classroom application. I currently am not aware of teachers who are utilizing resources.  After I have done this, I can plan a way to effectively use in my classroom. Perhaps, an expert student or two from their grade, could come help my class get going.

3. Our Instructional Coaches offer mini-cycles. Perhaps, I could sign up for one to address one of the technology standards and have support this way.

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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Lori L Svendsen
In reply to this post by eabbey
I know my biggest chellenege is going to be finding time to reacquaint my self with the online resources that will be age appropriate for my preschools. I dont really have access to a computer at school. The teacher is always accommodating and says I can use hers but she need to get her own thing done. The kids in my class are just learning about the computer, so it will be a lot of fun to see their faces light up when they start learning letters and sounds from one of the sites.
The biggest chellenge i think will be that we only have 2 computers in the room. So I wil have to make some kind of a rotation chart so that everyone will have a turn. On the plus side with 2 computers I can be right there to help navigate though the site.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Jenny Hagens
In reply to this post by eabbey
I think there will be several challenges when implementing these new resources in my classroom.  First would be me becoming comfortable with the sites.  I will definitely need time to navigate though the sites and play around with them before I will introduce them to my students.  I have to work out as many kinks I may foresee beforehand so that introducing them to my students will go more smoothly.  I am definitely not the most tech savy person either, so I'm sure I'll have some questions.  Another challenge will be working with the students to get them comfortable using the sites.  I will probably have to either project my computer screen and have them navigate with me, or meet with them in small groups so that I can be right there to help out if need be.  I may also be able to ask our school librarian for assistance.  She's wonderful and would probably be willing to help me out.  
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

LuAnn Kahle
In reply to this post by K Hargrave
The biggest challenge would get the teacher to use the source!! Having her to sit down and go through it with me! There is so much to show her, so would show her the three sources that I have talked about below.
I would really like the teacher to look at Book Flixs to use it with the student that I work one on one with. Just to have a change with reading. I think this student would benefit from it.
Also during our Science class...there is a mixed age group...Science Flix would be a good tool to use. Some could work in their age appropriate contexts and use the iPad to find information that is needed for the project.
With this group could find using Teaching Books and search for books that they find interesting...fiction or non-fiction and read/listen.
The teacher could pick a book and have the students read/listen to it and go over ready-to-use discussion questions.  
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Tyler Finley
In reply to this post by eabbey
Definitely the most difficult challenge currently is deciding which resources to use.  There are so many great resources that it is easy to get overwhelmed and not really know which direction to head.  I feel like it would take me a year or two of practice before I became an expert in using the available resources.  Another challenge is just remembering that these resources are available. For the past ten years, I have always known that Iowa AEA Online existed, but it would slip my mind until it was to late.

In order to overcome this, I am going to focus on one or two resources that I think will best serve my classes.  I will make sure to give myself plenty of time to become familiar with the resources I plan to use so that I will be well versed in each one.  This way I feel as comfortable using the tools on the fly as I would using a Google search or posting on Facebook.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Curt Long
In reply to this post by eabbey
I can think of two bigger challenges when implementing these resources in the classroom. The first echoes what many have stated on here already. The amount of information and resources available are overwhelming. Trying to decide which resource would best fit your goal for a certain lesson seems like it can be a challenge. Especially the time put in searching for the resource. I love many of the ways you can quickly search through so much context, but it still seems like it can be a lot to get used to.

The second challenge I see is our current curriculum. We have adopted some new math books and the entire course it already mapped out for us and the lesson plans are done with activities and such. Finding the time to implement the resources while still getting in the necessary lessons will be a challenge.

With the two concerns or challenges stated above, I think the best option I have to overcome them is to really focus on one resource that I can use in the classroom now. Having this focus will help in implementing this withing the CPM curriculum and not get too overwhelmed with all of the content that is available.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Julia Jacobs
In reply to this post by eabbey
The biggest challenge, I feel, is to break the “google habit”.  Kids, no matter what age, seem to only want to do what’s easiest.  I’ll admit—I’m a creature of habit.  When I have an error message on a computer, the first thing I do is “google it”.  But, I also know enough to scroll through the search results and dig for the answer, whereas, most students just use the one or two items at the top of the search list.
The second hurdle I face in implementing their use is that most of the classes I teach are earlybird college credit courses and I must follow the syllabus for the course—most of which is learning how to use the software.  At one point in my teaching career, there was actually video series to train students on using various software programs.  I will have to delve deeper into the databases to see if those resources still exist.  They also came in handy with some professional development training that I did.  But as far as implementing the use of the on-line databases into my classes, I find it hard to “fit” it into the curriculum.
But, when it comes to the technology part of my position, I can see where there are many resources that it would be nice if staff and parents would take advantage of their use.  I can see where it would be beneficial to post announcements or links on our homepage to the AEA’s resources to “get the word out”.  In completing the course, I am also finding materials that, as the tech coordinator, I am brainstorming to share with other teachers who may not know about the resource.

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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Denise Williams
In reply to this post by eabbey
 One of the biggest challenges that I will face in using the AEA resources is that, as a substitute teacher, I will be bound by the teacher's lesson plans and not my own planning.  However, depending on what classroom I am in and what they are working on,  I can let the students know about the different resources the AEA site has to offer and feel more confident in my subbing.
  I am very excited to get my children to start using the AEA site.  My 14 year old could have used it several times now with different projects.  My 12 year old will have a two year advantage over his sister but look out high school my freshman is going to rock.  Thanks AEA.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Shane Wilson
In reply to this post by eabbey

I think for me the biggest challenge would be the time to teach the kids these resources.  I really like the idea of using more technology in our classroom and it could be something that the kids could use at home as well as in class.  I love the idea of how we can get the spark ignited in our room on these resources, but then if they are really interested they can continue to do more at home and share with their family. This, however, takes a lot of time to teach all of the resources and then find the ones that the kids enjoy and can continue to use for future projects and activities.  

The easiest way to overcome this challenge is to start introducing the resources as part of our curriculum.  TrueFlix is one that can be easily integrated into almost all of our curriculum needs and can be used as part of social studies, science, or reading.  I would do a quick 10 minute intro on how to get logged in and then let the kids read an article as part of guided reading or during our Response to Intervention time.  I would also put the directions on how to login into our weekly newsletter and encourage families to use this site with their kids. I will be excited to see the results!
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Julie E Cunningham
In reply to this post by eabbey
In my role as and ECSE Teacher/Consultant I forecast one challenge to be finding developmentally appropriate resources for my use and to share with my teachers and some of the families I work with as an early interventionist. When taking the online class, I made sure to mark or highlight resources that could be used for preschool age children. There were several and I plan to share a few that sparked my interest, with at least one of my ECSE teachers, as she is  always open and quick to jump on creating and implementing new activities/strategies in her classroom. Like others who have taken this class, the challenge has always been finding time and taking the time to address locating and creating resources that could be meaningful and make my job easier and more satisfying. In addition to locating better ClipArt graphics to make individual 5 point timers for families, I plan to locate some photos to print when making "Picture Books" for families with children who are demonstrating delays in their receptive and expressive language skills.

Additionally, as my year goes on with my trainings in SDI and Autism Navigator, I will be expected to present to my co workers and that is when I will really have to look closer as to how to prepare presentations that include tests, pictures, websites and music.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Kim Strohbeen Petersen
In reply to this post by eabbey
I am only afraid of a few challenges regarding the use of Iowa Online Resources. The first being finding the time to utilize all the wonderful sites. Being a mobile art teacher, I often struggle to find time to fit in everything I want to share with my students. I love integrating literacy and I know there are quite a few options regarding literacy on the Iowa AEA website. The fact that we have Ipads in every room will definitely help me get used to using the resources with the students. However, it will take time to figure out which ones will be the most helpful for each of our units.

I think another challenge will be how long it might take to teach some of my students how to use the resources. I am very excited to use  Learn 360 for videos and images about artists and artwork, but wonder if the student's will need extra time to navigate the website.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

In reply to this post by eabbey
For me, there are several challenges any time I use a new resource in my classroom.  The biggest is familiarizing myself with new websites.  There are so many technology resources available now that it can be a little overwhelming at times.  Learning to navigate the site to figure out what works best for me and my students is definitely the biggest challenge.  It can also be a challenge to work with classes of students.  We are not a one to one district so finding the time and space for students to access the computers is a challenge at times.  However, we do have a great library staff who is always open to helping us and being a resource for online and technology related questions and concerns.  

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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Tamara Trullinger
In reply to this post by eabbey
Challenge and how AEA Online Resources can help overcome challenge

Since I am a para I am limited to knowing ahead of time what the teacher will be focusing on until it is time for the assignment to start. This leaves me little time to be messing around trying to help find links that are safe and helpful for their research. Most importantly, letting them look first on their own, so they can feel ownership and get the practice researching. They, quite often, find a long and difficult to read article and I end up reading it to them. This is impossible at times with multiple students all doing a different topic. Having this tool will help with this challenge. Taking us straight to the appropriate and best links to research. What a game changer. Taking less time to get to the research will be very productive classroom time.  Also, while I am helping one student the other 4 can actually be more independent and read it on their own, since it will be at a reading level to their choosing.  It is very important to me that it is age appropriate, legitimate information, ad free and safe.

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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Amanda Van Kley
In reply to this post by eabbey
My biggest challenge for implementing these resources into my classroom is finding designated time to really sort out what can be utilized best for my classroom needs as well as the teachers I help with technology.  The Iowa AEA has SO many opportunities it provides. Being a technology coach for all teachers in my building does not always mean I have time to meet with them all. I really like the Atomic Learning tutorials that teachers can utilize by themselves to learn about various tools and applications they may want to use in their classrooms. Also, being very useful for myself, too. I also really like the SIRS researcher. Even though it is aimed as 9-12 and I am more 6-8 grade level I think much of it could still be used for sure at the 8th grade level. Another challenge I will have will be to find the time to show the teachers these resources. Our media specialist already has tried via handouts and brochures. These don’t always get used much less looked at. If all teachers were given a chance to explore these resources all provided by the Iowa AEA I think more would use it. Time tends to always be an issue being a teacher! I may do some screencasts to show video tutorials of some of the tools I choose. This may at least for some teachers show how quick and easy using it can be. This also allows them to watch at a time that works best for them.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Julie Shields
In reply to this post by eabbey
Using Iowa AEA Online resources will take some time on my part to understand all the available resources that are available for myself as a teacher and for my students to use.  Time is a limited resource in a teacher's world.  Another challenge is having the computers available for my students to use the resources that are available.  In our school, computer carts are shared with other classes so they are not always  available for my students.  I just will need to take the time and pick which resources I think will be most valuable for myself and my students and explore them.  I may even have the students explore on the site to see everything that is available for them. To overcome the computers shortage, I may look into checking out the computer cart at the same time everyday to ensure that my students have them available to use.  
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Loree Vander Zwaag
In reply to this post by eabbey
I think my biggest challenge to implementing the resources in the classroom is that there are so many different ones that it would be hard to find the time to really make use of each one.  They all offer something great but to implement very many can get confusing without notes on what each one is about.  Even when I was deciding which ones to incorporate into my lesson plans, I had to go back and refresh my memory on which one had which resources.
I think the best way that I can overcome this is to keep notes on which one has what in it.  Just having a quick reference guide I think would be beneficial to help save me time overall.  Having the time to really dig into each resource would be the other area I can see having an issue especially when I’m just substituting.  Plus when substituting, it’s more of needing to refresh my memory when I’m not using them every day like a regular teacher could/would.  There again, I think having a quick reference guide would be helpful to me in that area as well.
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Re: POST #2: Challenges to Using Iowa AEA Online Resources

Suzanne Krejci
In reply to this post by eabbey
I'm very excited to acquaint myself further with all the AEA online has to offer! The first challenge would be to find the time to sort through all of my options in detail. I can do this once I'm done getting my license renewal work completed. I'm curious to see what options would be appropriate for middle school wellness class. The second challenge would be to get all of the kids in my classes computers to use. Our labs are the only way to get all kids in front of a computer and they are usually packed (and people sign up for them far in advance). We have some laptops, but not enough for one full class. I will need to plan carefully so I can signup in advance.
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