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Phenomena Scientist vs Classroom

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Phenomena Scientist vs Classroom

Melodean Montaque
I selected the video "Heavy for size and "Reason for evidence".
Both the scientist and the students tried to explain using their experience as evidence to justify their reasoning. The scientist has a scientific framework to pull facts to justify his reasons, but students used what they have observed in their world which may not be factual. The scientist started out by making an educated guess as to what the results would be even before measuring. The scientist found that he made an error in judgement and repeated the process to correct.

Students should be encouraged to make assumptions about the outcome of their investigations even before starting. Students need accurate scientific information to make good judgements about what they have observed. Even when they make mistakes in their reasonings teachers should not be judgmental about it as even scientists are prone to error and doing so will dampen students' enthusiasm for science. Importantly encourage students to talk by asking open-ended and goal centered questions and prompt them to clarify and expand their ideas. Challenge their reasonings when all their collective reasoning seems like a repeat of each other.