Pre-assessing- Molly Fox

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Pre-assessing- Molly Fox

Molly Fox
After reading Chapter 4 from Science Teaching Reconsidered, I have four ideas that I can implement in my third grade classroom to pre-assess what students know.
1. Refer to a list of common misconceptions for the unit.
2. Group discussions
3. Probe and listen to students' thinking.
4. Have students explain (oral or written) their thinking- not as a way to grade but a way to identify misconceptions.
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Re: Pre-assessing- Molly Fox
Molly, what grade do you teach?  Can you find a list of common misconceptions for a unit and a specific place?  I will be teaching 5th grade next year and it will be the first time that they will have science everyday.  I would love to know any misconceptions they may have so I am prepared for next year.

I believe discussions are wonderful.  Giving the students an opportunity to share their thoughts and the students can expand on what they know.  

Using probing questions as students are talking is fantastic.  You can check for understanding as they expand their thoughts on a concept.
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Re: Pre-assessing- Molly Fox

In reply to this post by Molly Fox
Thank you for sharing, it is very helpful to me.   kadashika