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Rob's thoughts on a day in the life...

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Rob's thoughts on a day in the life...

Rob Brookhart
What is the teacher doing during this day?
-preparation is different than the traditional classroom. The teacher is reviewing the student's goals and plan.  They are thinking about what might be some of the next steps or suppports for the student if not making their goals.

Who are the "teachers", for that matter?
-While the teacher is typically the Adult in the room, they may not be the provider of instruction.  That teacher roll moves from the "sage on the stage" to the "guide on the side".  
-The teachers roll is more as an instructional coach, helping the student to build, monitor and connect their learning to standards/outcomes vs. giving them their next steps and assigning their next "packet of learning".

What perceptions or feelings does the learner have about school and learning in general?
-There's a general feeling of excitement.  There's a confidence in knowing what you can do and what you will be able to do next.  There's that sense of inquiry and wonderment.

What are things that are working well for the student?
-motivation and interest is high for the student,
-with skillful instructional coaches helping them to self-directed learners, there is also a greater personal connection to the teacher.  They know more about me than my name.  It's those personal connections that help keep kids from dropping out of school and have a greater sense of community.

Where is the student struggling?
-The adjustment to this from traditional learning is tough.  I think often when districts start they start at the secondary level.  It's hard to undo those years of traditional learning and being told what your project is and the requirements for getting the A grade.  

What role is technology playing?
-Technology is in a supporting role, it's not the star of the show and it is not determining next steps.  
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Re: Rob's thoughts on a day in the life...

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