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SPLS - Jess Murphy

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SPLS - Jess Murphy

This is a very appealing and desirable system to incorporate into my classroom - 7th Comm. Arts. If short passages that focuses on literary terms are available or links with steps on how to write a particular piece of writing, a summative assessment to help determine a student's readiness to advance to the next standard, all those resources that we as teachers spend hours hunting down or creating ourselves, if those could be a part of this system, that would be not only beneficial for students, but impressive! Think of what personalized learning could be if once a student mastered one concept, he/she could move on to tackle another without waiting for all of his/her peers to be ready as well.
A major challenge for this system is having it set up ahead of time with a variety of options that would thus make it “personalized” for each student.  Along with that, it would require time for teachers to familiarize themselves with all that this system would offer.
A help/resource section for teachers would be beneficial to have as a part of this system - pre-established resources - videos, quizzes, short passages etc.
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Re: SPLS - Jess Murphy


I agree that the availability of assessments and other resources to all teachers in the system would be greatly beneficial.  It certainly would be nice for the students to be able to access materials from not just their personal teacher, but from a wide variety of teachers in the system.
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Re: SPLS - Jess Murphy

Having tests and other tools available to all teachers in the system is a fantastic idea, and I couldn't agree more.  It would be great if students could access resources created by a wide range of teachers in the system, not just their individual instructor.
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