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Rob Brookhart
- Creating content.  Having worked with teachers on reviewing lessons plans, they can be very picky about how other people create learning opportunities. People often want content that is built the way they would build it and that covers all of the things they think are important.  So while content may be there, it often is "not the way I would do it" and people pass it by.  The same thing happens when people are looking at OER content as well.
- Ease of use. While designers often try to create things that are intuitive, often there are people who will say it is not. Typically the only way something gets easier to use is to use it. Ironically, sometimes I think if it were from a different state and a fee was attached, it might popularity faster.  Especially if a neighboring district has it.
-It's another site to log into. Teachers often get frustrated with all the passwords, etc that try to manage for students and keeping them all logged in and working.  The "not another site to use" thinking kicks in and then just avoid rather than add another on the plate to manage.

Future Features
-single user log in for students and other AEA/Iowa systems
-Ability to do long term plans
-the ability for parents to access or to share out work/projects to others