School Marketing & Communication on Facebook

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School Marketing & Communication on Facebook

Beth Globokar
Facebook is increasingly less used by teens, but consistently utilized by the 30-something and over crowd.  As a result, Facebook is a great communication tool for schools to use to promote upcoming events, fundraisers, and share news about what's going on at school.  Facebook allows the school to easily send out reminders about upcoming deadlines and events (Christmas concert, E-Registration dates, and school supply lists!).  In this world of communication, schools (and teachers) have an expectation of over-communication.  Facebook allows schools to easily send messages out to the general public regarding upcoming events.  

In addition, this form of social media is a great way to promote your school.  Posts with pictures tend to do the best, especially if it's of student (be sure to have parental consent!) doing great things.  You can see the power of those posts not just through comments and "likes" but through the number of times the post gets "shared".  

Lastly, when setting up social media such as Facebook for an overall school, I think it's important to have multiple people with posting permission.  If it's "only" the principal or "only" a marketing person, then you might not reach as many of your publics as you'd like. By sharing the ability to post, you widen the target audience and reach through the number of events you can post about.  But, in doing so, it's important that everyone with posting abilities shares a common "voice" in how they post their pictures and write their captions.  

Facebook is a great marketing tool and one that definitely helps promote our school!
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Re: School Marketing & Communication on Facebook

Facebook is definitely a platform that will help you grow the sales very quickly. We have also been using this platform for a long time but now it is the time to promote our business on other platforms as well. My eyes are on bulk real estate sms messages technique. Will soon start these campaigns!