Science Conceptual Frameworik

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Science Conceptual Frameworik
What were some new learnings, something that you may have already known, or some questions you still have?  Having only used the standards at the fourth grade level in the past, it was really pretty cool seeing the  differences at the various grade levels, particularly understanding the depth of knowledge and application as the children move through the grade levels.  It also reassured me that the level of understanding at each grade level was appropriate with the content I taught.
What preconceptions do you anticipate your students will have about topics found in this standard?  The students may have a very superficial understanding of the topics, but not understand the systems in place for each topic.  When thinking about the forces, they may have the idea that pushing may cause an object to move, but through discussions and lessons, they can (depending on the grade level) start to understand forces, Newton’s Laws, vectors, etc.

What are some ways you plan on addressing these preconceptions? I will go back to the use of the foldables as we discussed earlier.  I love the idea of having the kids document their preconceptions discuss and provide evidence, and build more knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the concepts.