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Scientist-Classroom cases

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Scientist-Classroom cases

Teacher 3
49 posts

The scientist knows how to question, explore, evaluate phenomena. The scientist has a wealth of experiences and scientific knowledge to assist and guide their understanding of phenomena. The students use observation, (developing) deductive reasoning skills, prior knowledge and experience to help them discuss their findings about whether tiny things have weight. The teacher in the video was not dismissive about anyone's response. She encouraged the students to tell her more or called on other students to share their thoughts. I was impressed by the way the students respectfully agreed and disagreed with one another. When the conversation seemed to be rehashing the same thoughts, the teacher presented another challenge for her students to consider for next class time.

This video revealed that it is possible for students to have productive and respectful discussions about science. It also made me aware that the teacher plays a very important part in creating this positive class discussion time. As I think about the classroom discussions I have led, I realize that I need to refrain from telling any of my students that their thinking is wrong.