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Shared Resource

Kaley Lehan
I really like the resource Kahoot.  I have seen it used with all ages and with all different subjects. The students really enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it.
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Re: Shared Resource, Reply by C. Heuer, July 1, 2023

Kaley L, I agree, about Kahoot.  I have used it quite a bit, as my students each have a school-assigned i-pad, so they can play pretty easily.  Some of the students in my school, even created some Kahoot games for special days like when we are learning about different countries/cultures, and when there is a day where they are doing something for fun (for instance, our school had teachers/staff turn in a photo from when they were a baby, child, teen-ager, or very young adult, and then the students played the kahoot and tried to guess when photo went with which teacher/staff-member).